
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2019

Mycro Job ICO is Simply Getting the Job Done Powered By Ethereum

When we were kids we all have studied in junior classes that Man is a Social Animal and Cannot live Without Society. Working on this concept our parents and there parents and there parents and our previous generations, tried there level best to give the best they have to their children by that I mean good food to eat, good clothes to wear, good house to live, good education so that their children can live in the society made by man comfortably and respectfully. This thought of living a Comfortable and Respectful life have been passed from one generation to another in the same way as it was started but, did we ever thought how many pains and troubles went through to give us that respectful of what they have dreamed about us. The answer is simple NOwhy? because just like our parents we too are also busy in making our future generations to get settled in there its lives. It seems like the bicycle chain which goes up and down, a never-ending race that nobody can win. Now, the Ques...

Alcedo ICO - Crypto Currencies Accessible for Everyone

Hello good morning everyone, It's great to be able to meet all of you on my blog who always discuss and share information about the development of the crypto world. How wonderful we all can enjoy the progress of this technology around the world, namely blockchain. Everyone wants to have crypto assets, and among them want to be able to access them easily, safely and simply wherever they are. But not all projects offer better ones like projects that I will review in detail ... so please listen carefully! All about ALCEDO PLATFORM PROJECT We are a German based company and offer a completed global eco-system even before the start of the ICO. The first Alcedo-Point in Germany did already open. The next one is in the planning stages. Our mission is simple: CREATE VALUES. ALCEDO-Points with the ALCEDO-Coin will spread very quickly throughout Germany. Also, we are in the process of integrating other partners into our system in order to cover all of Europe. Get your share of...

Orbis Company will provide innovative transfer, payment and investment services using information technology

Introduction The development of technological tools in the comfort of today in all matters from one place to another to share interesting things here, we are here to offer the best solution for all of you. With the blockchain network technology system, speeding up the service process in terms of transfers or even investment makes it easy for everyone. Orbis Company will provide innovative transfer, payment and investment services using information technology. This technology uses software and computers, which will allow people to make transfers, investments, and payments using our self-service machines, as well as personal telephones and desktop computers with Internet access. We create the concept of fast, easy and cheap financial transactions, investments and services that provide customer-friendly services. Our vision is to create new financial branches around the world, based on decentralized technology. ORBIS Vission tries to unite the current benefits and provid...

BOLTON Coin (BFCL) offers a new amazing and unique approach to investing in the crypto sphere

Bolton Coin BOLTON Holding Group STO BOLTON Coin (BFCL) offers a new amazing and unique approach to investing in the crypto sphere, generating aggregates profits from tangible luxurious markets such as gold and diamonds mining, real estate, integrated by eco-sustainable energy and extraordinary form of BTC crypto-mining. Low costs in fees for mining guarantee stable income also in the face of difficulty increases. The business generates profit in other areas, even a sustained bear market cannot affect the profits of the program, like this, is the case with most crypto projects. About Bolton Coin BOLTON is an innovative company dealing in the holding and managing of assets in high‐profit industries. BOLTON established the BFCL Coin to offer its clients the opportunity to benefit from BOLTON's differing investment sources, balancing between the old and new economy in three major sectors — real estate, cryptocurrency mining, and commodity trading — all activities of which BO...

LUCRE ICO - Algorithmic Trading Platform for Cryptocurrencies

LUCRE is an exclusive automated trading system & signal service for Cryptocurrencies, created to outperform the strategy of just holding Cryptocurrencies. It is developed by a team with 8 years of algorithmic trading experience. Holding a Cryptocurrency hasn’t been the best way to increase your wealth lately. LUCRE algorithm was build on a philosophy - Don’t HODL; Trade! allowing trading both ways long and short. The great appeal of this project is the ability to generate revenues in all market conditions, buying and selling at every perceived opportunity. Even when the market is going south the algorithm attempts to make profit by shorting it. Lucre Trading Algo will be running on a Metatrader trading platform. Token sale participants will get an LCR token which will track the performance of the Algo. The price will be updated regularly to accurately reflect the value of the underlying Crypto assets being traded by the Algo. Lucre ICO (LCR Token): Crypto Coin Backed By Alg...

ICO BQT - Social P2P Crypto Exchange and Hedge Trading Platform

BQT P2P Exchange Platform menyediakan lingkungan perdagangan yang aman, interaktif, dan fleksibel serta antarmuka yang ramah pengguna bagi komunitasnya untuk mengelola berbagai jenis transaksi yang terdiri dari banyak aset kripto dalam portofolio pedagang. BQT memperkenalkan pendekatan revolusioner yang memungkinkan para pedagang untuk memanfaatkan kepemilikan crypto mereka untuk memperoleh aset crypto dari rekan sejawat lainnya. Tidak seperti Margin dan Perdagangan Berjangka, sistem BQT Hedge Trade adalah metode yang fleksibel bagi Pedagang untuk memperoleh aset kripto dari rekan-rekan lain untuk periode jangka pendek dengan cara escrow dari kepemilikan kripto yang ada dan tetap mempertahankan kepemilikannya untuk jangka waktu perdagangan. Platform BQT memungkinkan para pedagang di seluruh dunia secara aman memposting persyaratan perdagangan mereka di bursa dan menegosiasikan perdagangan crypto mereka secara langsung berinteraksi satu sama lain dan berbagi pengalaman mereka dengan ko...