Financial Markets by Paypro

Hello friend coinners Indonesia, wherever you feel ..
How do you think about the cryptocurrency world that is becoming more interesting to observe ..

As in my article this time, which will inform a future project in the blockchain world called PAYPRO, I want you all to know this project in detail.

Hasil gambar untuk paypro io

PayPro is a decentralized bank created to manage other ecosystems where prices are given to new structures because of smart contracts. Therefore, PayPro is a shopping center associated with decentralization where each dApp can publish its function. We are also building a Portfolio where customers have the ability to save digital money forms and sign the ERC-20.

After collecting PayPro, customers will be able to get rid of ETTH, BTC or GAS, for example, and use a shopping center to include resources at the crowdfunding stage, for example. In addition, offers earned with interest on these token types will also be deleted in PayPro. Therefore, all sources of cryptographic and individual responsibility will be invited to speak on PayPro.

About Paypro Token

Hasil gambar untuk paypro io

PayPro Token (PYP) will be the main currency in our ecosystem, facilitating transactions in the market. The main purpose of the PYP is that they will be used for political rights and use

  • Political rights
  • Usage
  • PayPro Role
  • Mougayar Test
About Token Sale

What is Token Sale?

When more enterprise development is required, tokens made by the company can be provided in return for funds. Benefits of double token sales; From a corporate perspective, the main advantage of corporate profits is faster access than traditional route founders. From the perspective of investors, there are a small number of reasons why this method can be more attractive than traditional investment.

While traditional funds consist of an influence exchange with money, which in many cases can not be traded, most tokens can be resold to the market at any time. By doing this, the investor can allocate his resources in a more liquid asset.

There is an increase in the quantity of individuals who are exposed to large numbers of crypto cash and by that, there is a need to produce results within the ecosystem. It provides a safe tool for investing anywhere in the world without being involved in the local legal system and the conflicting jurisdictions arising therefrom.

Why ICO?

Since we are too confident that PayPro is contrived as a global change, we are counted to believe that it must be understood by the international community for more than one reason.

First of all, as a decentralized app, it is too common for us that the conception must come from society. Although our organization will be the main promoter, we are counting for public assistance in terms of funding.

Secondly, we face major challenges in a number of areas such as technology development, payment networks, strategy, compliance ... and therefore, we need substantial funds to achieve our goals.

Finally, Token PayPro (PYP) is the core of our network. PYP will be the main crypto currency of our network and calculated to be used to overcome our partners and calculated for the content of all services available on the network.

Making Token

The ERC20 standard is used for all Tokens made in Ethereal. 20,000 ETHs can be placed and 40% of all PayPro Tokens can be issued at initial sales.

Smart Contracts are set so that TokPP Token shipments are able to take place automatically after ETH is received. Allocation of Token is as follows:

  • 5% can be distributed to the community from temporarily to temporary in return for R & D and bounties.
  • 15% is allocated to initial investors & supporters and future partnerships. --- 20% is reserved for the team while this is and most importantly, the impulse package of the team of the future team.
  • The last 20% can be held by PayPro, under community supervision, to achieve future sustainability through network revenue distribution.
Delivery of PayPro Token (PYP) from Smart Contract can take place immediately after ETH is shipped.

Token Sales Period

the following tokens will start on November 22, 2017 at 21:00 GMT and will be completed by December 22 at 21:00 GMT or when the target value of 20,000 ETHIS is reached.

Proof of pre-sale
A number of tokens will be sold one week before the Release Date. This period will be called the "Pre-sale" period. By participating in pre-sale, investors will enjoy special discounts, which can be additional tokens. Terms to follow Pre-sales are:
  • Only along with the invite; If you want to be invited, please contact one of our team mistakes.
  • Commitment of at least 15 ETH to qualify
  • The first 600 investors will get 35% bonus.

About Bonus

If an investor can not invest in a pre-sale token, he can still enjoy the bonus through the following methods:

  • During the first 24 hours, token bonus is 20%.
  • During the first week, bonus bonus is 15%.
  • During the second week, the bonus tokens are 10%.


40% Fund Development As described, PayPro currently relies on an integrated solution offered by one supplier alone that implies expensive means and low adaptability. Therefore, it is too important for PayPro to be able to develop its own payment network. These investments include upfront fees and integration that need to be paid to the Payment Processor, Provider of Money and Sponsorship of BIN, which will include acquisitions and issuance.

However, some of these investments will be allocated to rent Land

Exchange Rate and Limit

payPro tokens will be sold in 500 PYPs to 1 ETH. Minimum investment is set at 0.5 ETH. No crypto-other currencies received.

well, all the information about the Payro project .. 
My suggestion you should immediately join and succeed this project, because this project will really big in the future.

For complete information, you can access the following links:




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