ICO Securix is Next Generation of Mining

Securix is an operationally ready cryptocurrency mining solution. The company is committed to simplifying investment in cryptocurrency through its innovative asset-backed SRXIO token, environmentally conscious power generation, and easy-to-use Mega Vault Wallet app. Securix’s mining operation will be located in an old sugar factory in the Netherlands. This site was specifically selected based on four core requirements: strategic placement, safety, security, and scalability. The factory is over 10,500 square feet, 3 stories high, and large enough to house 24,000 mining units. With all of this infrastructure, Securix will be able to mine up to 24.5 Bitcoin on a daily basis.

Our mining location in the Netherlands
The factory is over 10,500 square feet, three stories high, and large enough to house 24,000 mining units. With all of this infrastructure, Securix will be able to mine up to 24.5 Bitcoin on a daily basis.

What are investors investing in?Most tokens have no real value outside an exchange. Even then value only declines. Our asset-backed token is unique, generating a monthly passive income in crypto from our mining operations. Regardless of whether the price of Bitcoin goes up or down! With our token, you don’t need to worry about market volatility as investor funds are contributing to our mining operation in the Netherlands with tangible assets.
How significant is the Monthly world Mining revenue?
The monthly worldwide mining revenue was last month 455,000,000 USD

Honest and transparent business model
45% gross revenue share pro-rata among our token holder, each month by smart contract. Gross revenue offers a great reliability on ROI, no cost reductions.
When the bitcoin price increases, the output per token increases with it. If the Bitcoin price decreases, our output decreases with it.
Company reserve hedging investors risk
We have a company reserve fund that will ensure mining can continue—even if the price of Bitcoin suffers substantial fluctuations.

Our asset backed token, token listing
Our token (SRXIO) price is set at USD 1.00.USD up to 0.85 cents per token will be used to purchase mining hardware and electrical infrastructure upgrades.Our token will be listed on an exchange after the crows sale. We strive for a healthy balance between cost and volume.

Our investment strategy
Each month we spend 10% of our gross revenue in order to Increase output per token and to increase our token value. 

We are buying back our tokens from the market and burn them, this will decrease the token pool. We are buying new mining hardware and improving our facility. Our green energy purchase without intermediaries. At securix responsibility and profitability go hand in hand. Securix buys directly from the green generator through our EAN-2-EAN platform. The platform allows us to cut out the intermediary (energy trade market) 

We are buying all their excess produced energy at very competitive pricing

The Netherlands and our Head office in Dubai
With our offices in the Netherlands and Dubai, we can offer investors a more local approach to investing in our company. With our head office in Dubai, we have geographically advantage in the Middle and the Far East.

Why is Securix having a public crowd sale, soft cap reached
The more tokens we sell, the more mining machines we can install. 
Our hard cap, 43,500,000 USD in tokens and based on our facility capable infrastructure. We started our private pre-sell on August 4th, up until now, September 8th, we sold more than 3,100,000 Tokens.Our public ICO is launching on September 27th. Our goal is to hit our hard cap to maximize output per token for everyone.

Our token is unique, generating a monthly passive income from our mining operations. Regardless of whether the price of Bitcoin goes up or down!
Tangible assets cover our token value from our mining operation.

ICO details

ICO «SECURIX» Stage Start: September 27, 2018
ICO «SECURIX» Stage Finish: November 30, 2018
ICO «SECURIX» Platform: ETH, and private ETH blockchain

Benefits of being a Token Holder:

Lots to unpack from the benefits of holding this token. 45% is inline with what the other similar mining operations are offering so that doesn’t make Securix stand out on that point. It does have some other interesting benefits that the others don’t. The EAN-2-EAN energy cost savings keeping the kwh down as well as finding a way to get paid for the extra waste heat are both are very interesting ideas and unique to this project as far as I’ve seen. The last stand out to me is the buyback and token burn always a great thing and in this case it pulls double duty increasing your tokens value as well as giving you a higher % of revenue sharing.

Token Usage:

This is the most important part of any review you read on cryptocurrencies weather it’s an ICO or an already launched token or coin. As an investor the token/coin is what you are buying it needs to be integral to the success of the product. If it isn’t there is no reason to believe your investment will be worth anything. That lesson out of the way it’s pretty simple in the case of Mining ICO’s in general. The tokens are tied to the product as owning them gives you rights to revenue share, so SRXIO tokens should increase in value as Securix’s reputation grows.

Investment returns for ICO miners are truly extraordinary. If they are able to pay what they project, they are an extraordinary investment. As stated in your technical document, this chart is a projection based on available information, it is not a guarantee that it is truly accurate. In general, Crypto has about 6 difficult months, but even at current prices, the project projects a return on investment of 100% in one year. This is really possible just because we are in the cryptographic space early on. This kind of opportunity will become scarce because more adoption occurs.

In conclusion, this is a very strong ICO mining. The white paper is well above the other mining mine that I see and it is very good compared to any white paper that I have read. I want to reiterate that passive income is king. If Securix can approach ROI, this project is not a missed opportunity. I have reviewed several other ICE Mines that will start sending earnings later this month or later, and I will see how that performance will provide a good indicator of how well Securix will be.

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Author : thepeot88


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