Toqqn digital services and apps established. Expected user base - 100k.

Toqqn adalah langkah kecil menuju misi besar untuk memberi informasi kepada masyarakat mengenai sosial yang berfokus pada privasi dan kebebasan iklan.

Tentang Toqqn
Ketika setiap platform sosial utama menyalahgunakan data pengguna untuk tujuan jahat, platform relevansi yang tidak menyimpan data pengguna meningkat dari hari ke hari.

Pada saat yang sama, kami ingin menjangkau massa dengan crypto, karena kami merasa itu adalah sistem pembayaran di masa depan. Jadi, alih-alih mengeksploitasi pengguna yang berkontribusi pada platform sosial kami, kami menghadiahi mereka dengan crypto.

Vision Toqqn
Billions of people across the world don't own any crypto coins or know how or where to get it. Toqqn is out to change that. That's why we're going to use this platform to put crypto in the hands of our members.

Crypto for People
We want to help bridge the gap between 'crypto-haves-and-have-nots'. Members receive crypto for their activities on the platform, every day.
Privacy by Default
Your personal data stays private. We don't store any user data in our servers or any servers. We use blockchain technology to decentralize user data.
Goodbye to Ads & Trackers
Toqqn is a 100% ad-free platform. You will never be interrupted by any ads, or be retargeted by advertisers after visiting our platform.
Responsive & Compatible
Toqqn is designed to be cross-platform compatible and mobile-friendly. It renders perfectly across various browsers, on your phone, tablet or desktop.
Learning Support
Unfamiliar with crypto? No worries. We'll help members through the entire process of exchanging, acquiring, sending, and withdrawing their toqqns.
Decentralized Future
As the blockchain technology evolves, we'll move to a more decentralized infrastructure, using blockchain to secure user communication & messages.

Project Timeline

Initial Brainstorming
Ideas and blueprint for a decentralized social platform that rewards its users with crypto.

Project Team
A group of highly skilled individuals joins the Toqqn team to make it happen.

Finalizing Project Details
Finalization of the project specifics. Details of the project timeline are created.

Fundraising Begins
10% of the total supply will be made available and investors can contribute to support to raise funds for the development.

Toqqn Marketplace
We would like to bring a freelancers marketplace by the end of Q2 of 2019. Toqqn to be listed on additional exchanges.

Stable Beta
A stable beta of the platform is scheduled by the end of 2019. Additional exchange listings and a growing user base.

Completion of Platform 1.0
Fully stable version 1.0 platform by Mid 2020. Target active user base 25k strong
Toqqn 2.0 Beta

Toqqn digital services and apps established. Expected user base - 100k.

Conception and technology
Dibangun menggunakan yang terbaik dari teknologi konvensional dan web 3.0, Toqqn akan sangat user-friendly; pada saat yang sama, teknologi blockchain diadopsi untuk mendesentralisasi data pengguna. Dengan begitu tidak ada data pengguna yang akan disimpan di platform atau server kami untuk mencegah segala jenis penyalahgunaan atau eksploitasi data pribadi orang.

Penggalangan dana untuk pengembangan proyek dimulai pada minggu pertama November 2018. Pengembangan platform sudah berjalan lancar. Kami bertujuan untuk meluncurkan versi pertama platform pada Q1 tahun depan dan memiliki beta yang berfungsi penuh pada Q2 tahun 2019.

Informasi lebih lanjut:

oleh thepeot88


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